Getting My Shit Together

Been a while since I wrote,  so here is a quick update.

I still love my new home. I still have lots of ideas for things like gardening, etc and I have done some prep.

But I stalled.

I sit and look at my sunny porch from my couch and I do nothing. I have no motivation, only longing. I decided today, I am going to take some advice from Jordan Peterson.

If you are ignoring your goal find out why! Is it something you really want? (Yes) Is it too big? Are you overwhelmed? Do you need you change your plan? Start with smaller steps!

Today I took the small step of picking up a broken planter and setting up to make sure it would work for the ‘fairy planter’ I want to create.

It was ONE step. I suppose writing this blog is another step.

His next piece of advice? It’s awesome that you took one step, any step, toward accomplishing your goal. Don’t chastise yourself it was small, instead reward yourself because it was a step!

I’ve had a rewarding feeling evening between food, vino and foot rub!

Tomorrow? Another step!

Maybe I can get off this couch and get my shit together!

2 thoughts on “Getting My Shit Together

  1. Nice to read your blog again. It’s been a while.
    You’ve pulled it together before and will do it again. You’ll wake up one of these mornings full of piss and vinegar and lots of motivation. I hope it happens soon. Spring and summer always breaths life into me and I hope it will for you.
    You never mention Paul anymore. Is he still sigh you?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for being a long term reader, even when I go without posting.

      My piss n vinegar WILL kick in (great way to say it).

      Paul? He is near my life. I love him. “Friends before we were more” so I am inclined to work on things with him. But I don’t write about it as it happens because ‘convolution’ in my own mind should not mean I should make another person more reprobate.

      Does that say enough without saying enough?


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